In another attempt at opening her big mouth for attention Lindsay Lohan's mother, Dina Lohan told Popeater that Lindsay is planning to drop her last name. Why? Because from now on she only wants to be referred to as Lindsay. That's right! She thinks she is so famous in her own mind that she deserves to be known only by one name. Her mother went on to say,
"So many of the greatest people in showbiz are known by just their first name. Look at Oprah and Beyonce. Now you can add Lindsay to that list."
Really? She is comparing her drug addicted daughter who is going on trial for shop lifting to Oprah and Beyonce. Plus, she is saying Lindsay is a great women in showbiz. The last time I checked she lost her career a long time ago and has yet to make a comeback because she is too busy scoring drugs and stealing jewlery.
Her whole family needs to disappear because they only make things worse by acting and speaking like complete morons.
Apparently Abercrombie & Fitch are now selling padded bikini tops for 8 year old girls. A bra is used to hold up breasts and protrude them out to look sexy. How is this okay for a child in elementary school? I understand that girls are developing much faster now than they did when I was a child but come on! They are not that far along in their development that they need padded bras in their bathing suits. Abercombie is not the first to create such a ridiculous design. A british department store called Primark began to sell padded bikini tops for girls who were 7 years old. Due to complaints from child protection organizations the store was forced to donate all money from their sales to charity. I personally am sick of hearing about things like this when it comes to young girls who are obviously too young for grown up things. Let them be children.
If you do not know by know, Japan has been painfully suffering a national devastation. On Friday, March 11th an 8.9 earthquake hit the country followed by a tsunami of great magnitude counteracting on the northern coast. Now the government is scrambling to try and stop a nuclear collapse at the Fukushima power plant. Naoto Kan,the prime minister of Japan, has been quoted as saying,
"....this is the worst crisis his country has faced since the end of World War II."
As of Monday March 14, 350,000 people are homeless and 10,00 are dead. In the wake of the tragdey, come Tuesday morning brought more concern stemming from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Emergency efforts to conserve fresh sea water to cool down one of the three nuclear reactors which are failing to work properly. Fuel rods were likely exposed to air as water levels sunk, increasing the chances of melting.On top of this threat, the U.S. Geological Survey recorded 100 aftershocks.
Today, elevated levels of radiation have been discovered in milk and spinach. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano explained at a news conference that "...although radiation levels exceeded government safety standards, the tested food does not pose an immediate health risk." This is the first time radiation has been found in food since March 11. Also, the Tokyo Fire Department continued spraying water on the 3rd nuclear reactor after stopping procedures so technicans could attach a power cable to the Fukushima Daiichi plant in hopes of getting water pumps to cool down the fuel rods.
You better sit down for this one. St. Patrick was not Irish! His dad was Italian, his mother was Scottish and he was born in Scotland. His birth name was Maewyn Succat. Who knew? And the whole chasing snakes out of Ireland? Just a legend.
Raise Your Glass. On the average day, 5.5 million lbs of Guinness are consumed around the world. That number more then doubles on St. Patrick's Day, with more than 13 million pints going down the hatch.
Shake It Up. We in the Chicago area should count our blessings this St. Patrick's Day. The beloved McDonald's Shamrock Shake, introduced in 1970, is not available nationwide. Ask for this minty, green, dreamy shake in places like Tennessee, North Carolina and Kentucky and they"ll look at you like you are crazy.
Better book that church now. St. Patrick's Day is considered the luckiest day of the year to get married
...Unless it is a Saturday. According to Irish superstition, Saturday is the worst day of the week to get married. As the proverb states "Marry on Monday for wealth - Tuesday for health - Wednesday the best day of all - Thursday for losses - Friday for crosses - Saturday for no luck at all."
Keep you eye on the prize, and the leprechaun. Legend hasit that if you catch a leprechaun, he will promise great wealth if you let him go. However, don't take your eyes off him or he will vanish!
Four leaf clovers -- for your eyes only. Found a four leaf clover? Great. You will now have good luck in gambling and racing and it will render witchcraft powerless! However, you must always carry it with you and never show it to others, or your luck will fail.
This is way worse than bad luck! Forget about bad luck. According to the Irish, if a black catcrosses your path in the moonlight, you will die in an epidemic. Yikes!
Get your green on! Consider yourself warned: if you don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day, people are allowed to pinch you. It was believed that wearing green made you invisible to leprechauns, who would pinch anyone they could see. Revelers began pinching those who didn’t wear green as a reminder of that belief.
Seeing Green. For the past 40 years, the Chicago River has been dyed a brilliant shade of emerald green in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Forty pounds of vegetable dye help provide the vibrant hue.
You would think that when talking about depression in parents the first thing that would come to mind is the mother, but actually fathers with symptoms of depression can also produce negative affects on a child's mental heath and development. A the recent study, "Fathers' Depression Related to Positive and Negative Behaviors With 1-Year-Old-Children," produced in the April edition of Pediatrics that depression in fathers was connected with certain aspects of parenting behaviors talked about at well-child visits. Date from 1,746 fathers and of 1 year old children proved that 7 percent of the fathers had depression. Next to non depressed fathers, depressed fathers were 4 times more likely to report hitting their children and less likely to read to their children. On the other hand mainly depressed and non depressed fathers are to said to play games regulatory and sing songs with them, assuming that these activities may be more normal behaviors for fathers than reading. Since 77 percent of depressed fathers reported speaking to their child's doctor in the prior year, trips to the pediatrician may provide a chance to talk about specific behaviors and refer fathers who seem depressed to seek appropriate treatment.
Donna Purnell is a housewife by day and "Alexander The Great", as she has been nicknamed, by night. While locked inside a water tank her bands are tied together with chains and no source of air. So how did a housewife come to this? She was bored of course! At 49 years old she and her husband Bill began to explore Harry Houdini like escape plans as teenagers just as a hobby. The couple never thought about creating a performance out it until they ran into some money woes and fell victim to the recession. Unemployed, Donna needed to find work but still insisted on staying home with her children. For months she has been working with a strength and breathing coach. Her friends do not approve of her new public stunt but her children love the idea.
Her daughter said, "We would walk around the house and we'd see chains and handcuffs in places."
So what is the moral of this story? Donne and her family hope that this escape artist story will provide inspiration to everyone who is looking to be untied from what whatever their weakness may be.
The Charlie Sheen media frenzy is so ridiculous and funny in its own right that it pretty much doesn't need fule to the fire, especially from the top late night television players such as Jimmy Fallon, Jay Leno, and Jimmy Kimmel. They have all mad jokes at Sheen's expense regarding his odd behavior lately. In particular, on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy created a fake video ad for a cologne called "Winning". In the introduction, Jimmy said the cologne's smell "Combines the delightful aromas of sweat and denial."
David Letterman has compared supercomputer Watson, who you may have seen on Jeapordy, to Charlie Sheen. In a video appearing on the show a narrator can heard saying, "He wasn't programmed to handle the harsh glare of the spotlight After a 36-hour cocaine binge with adult film stars, Watson was fired by IBM. He was briefly hospitalized by what he claimed to be a 'herniated motherboard.'"
Jimmy Kimmel has also used Sheen as a target for his monologue stating, "Charlie Sheen, in case you've not been watching television today, has officially gone crazy. And not just a little crazy. Gary Busey thinks he's nuts." He followed this joke up with a video compilation clip of Sheen's craziest one liners followed by another compilation of Sheen saying the word winning "Winning"
As for Jay Leno, his most recent content having to do with the crazy Sheen has been a joke that involved Donny Osmond. Leno made a crack about Donny Osmond replacing Sheen on "Two and a Half Men," followed by a video of Donny playing Sheen in clips from the show.
Out of all these jokes made at Charlie Sheen's expense, Jimmy Fallon really takes the cake with this one. His fake ad for the cologne, "Winning" is hilarious. He is spot on with his impression and the mannerisms are uncanny. It is very funny and a must see. While this is all funny, in reality Charlie Sheen is too old to be this strung out and making an ass out of himself. He should be in rehab on lock down without Entertainment Tonight or Abc News stopping by to make a visit. He should be trying to get clean for the welfare of his children and for the sake of his health instead making matters worse by appearing on television rambling on about "Winning." Maybe Charlie and Lindsay should hang out. Wouldn't that be a bizarre evening full of cocaine and denial.
Check out Jimmy Fallon's hilarious ad for "Winning"