Saturday, May 7, 2011

Not The End Of War On Terrorism

In light of Osama Bin Laden's death I have to say that I am not impressed with how America has been reacting to the event. I understand that this man has destroyed thousands of probably even millions of lives bu to glorify another human being's life and want to see photos of the body just to feel satisfied is disgusting. I know it is hard to trust the government and their own words as truth but trust them when they say they killed him and let it go. The other thing that bothers me is that people think that this is the end of war on terror and everything will be ok now. Not even close! He had followers who have been working with him for years. They will carry out what he can not. Recently Hilary Clinton spoke at the State Department insisting al-Qaueda members to abandon the terror organization and help U.S. efforts to put an end to violence against innocent persons.

She stressed that "the battle to stop al-Qaeda and its syndicate of terror" is not over by a long shot. She said cooperation with Pakistan helped to lead the U.S. to the complex where Bin Laden was assassinated and the U.S. will proceed to raise its counter terrorism cooperaton with other nations as well.

There ya go! So you morons cheering in front of the White House? Its never going to be over so be happy that an evil man is dead but do not celebrate a human's demise no matter how bad of a person he or she may be.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Casey Update

In a weird coincidence, the much anticipated trial of Casey Anthony is set to begin the day after mother's day. Casey's fate will take place in an Orlando courtroom as the state makes an effort to seek the death penalty against her. And half of the nation will be glued to their televisions. Brevard County Assistant State Attorney Julia Lynch stated, "The attention on the Anthony case has been going on for a while, and all the statements and all the evidence creates a lot of buzz but  the bottom line is there was a poor, defenseless child. It's our natural instinct to want to protect children, and we should. In cases involving children, it's worse when they are hurt at the hands of their mother or caregiver."

Casey is accused of killing her 2 year old daughter, Caylee, who was last seen in June of 2008 and was not reported missing by her mother for 31 days. Her remains were found 6 months later minutes from the Antony's home. With more than 700 requests from the media to cover the trial and social network users commenting non stop the fascination bring about one question? Why? Why so much attention. The truth is  that when horrible things happen to people who can not defend themselves such as children it strikes a cord. On top of that Casey Anthony's own behavior has sparked such outrage that people will not be satisfied until they see her either locked up for life or being sent to death. I personally do not believe in the death penalty because
1)a person dying in turn for taking another person's life will not solve anything.
2) i think it is better for them to rot and jail and suffer for the rest of their lives

That's all I have to say about that.